Fewer "guard" more flatMap

Swift's guard syntax is good, I admitted.
But it's not always the best choice in some cases.
Let's consider:

something.callback() { someOther:SomeOther? in
    guard let someOther = someOther else {

Indeed, "optional chaining" provide us a more convenience way to achieve the same goal with fewer even cleaner code.

something.callback() { someOther:SomeOther? in

Further more, we can push the edge a bit up front:

let someOptionalValue: T? = T()
class B {
    init(value:T) {
func funcTakeT(t:T) -> U {

Then we can:

let b = someOptionalValue.flatMap(B.init)
let u = someOptionalValue.flatMap(funcTakeT)

If we don't have side effect to handle, consider to use 'flatMap' for replacing 'guard'.
Original post from my previous site: http://povoq.blogspot.com/2017/07/fewer-guard-more-flatmap.html